Blue Ridge Pawkway
When mums appear in St.Frank's planter, Silver and Barney know it's
time to get out the leaf print ruffle and bandana and go for their annual drive on the Blue Ridge Pawkway.
Barney says that the mountains make
a Corgihuahua feel awfully small!
Barney loves trees!  There are plenty of them on the Pawkway.
Here we stand...
right on the edge of the earth!
We stopped at Mabry Mill to buy corn meal.  We love corn bread and corn muffins!
The foggy valleys
were beautiful!
Silver is looking for lunch.
It's hard to find us in these
leaf print bandanas!  Hee hee!
These are real leaves that we brought home
from the Blue Ridge Parkway and scanned.
Thanks to our friend Debba Sniderman of Corgi Hollow
who made our background from them!