"Spring Fever," by Marjorie Weiss


by Susan Dunn
Date: A Spring Long Ago

How you ran into the sides of hills in those days,

Could I love your untamed curls more than the freckles on your nose?

A dog following you, you following a dog, from a dog inseparable, my joyful son;

You begged the day to be longer, demanded the sun to shine brighter,

Bring it on! Make it bright and make it loud! You shouted to me from 2' away,

Make it more chocolate, make it more big, make it more mine,

And get it to me faster!

And your sobs when we had to leave the beach ... you cried for hours

As if, as if ... as if you had to leave the beach.

Everything meant extremely and everything meant exactly
And every ending was a permanent and total and devastating annihilation

Of the thing you held most dear in your heart.

How often I had to drag you from your latest attachment
Becoming the object of your passion, I, the Remover,
Invested with the power to make all these wonderful things disappear forever;

You kicked me just as you kicked the moon each night because it killed your day

And then you dreamed in technicolor, drenching your bed with sweat

As you thrashed from one end of it to the other, riding stallions, fighting dragons,

(I'm sure one had my name on it for pulling you down off the roof),

Hours of energy left to burn before dawn when you would burst into another day,

The sparkle in your eyes a tiny replica of the world as you saw it.

You painted my days in kodachrome and removed the calluses from my soul.

Marshall has always been Susan's sUn.
