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Name: Devon
Tribe: Maranon
Luxury Item: Canadian flag
Nickname: Devilseye
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Height: 4"10
Weight: 82 lbs
Hair color/length: dirty blonde, short
Skin color: white
Muscle definition: small
Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Birth date: December 20, 1989
Occupation: Student
Religion: Catholic
Family: Ryan, 16, brother - Braden,
9, brother - Kimberly, 40, mother - Ben, 45, Dad
Favorite food: Perogies
Favorite drink: Strawberry bananas smoothie
Favorite color: blue
Favorite restaurant: Red Lobster
Description: Devon is kind, friendly, sly, and tricky. He
is also very active. He has have dirty blonde hair, blue
eyes, and is about 4"10

Total Episodes As Contestant
Final Words
I thought this game was good, except some of the people. THEY HAD NO REASON TO VOTE ME OFF. I was participating and doing everything I could. And for Jacklyn, her saying "He doesn't do anything around the camp" is a lie. It should be that she doesn't do anything in the camp. She missed a lot of the days for moves. I say that all of the castaways should vote her off next time my tribe loses immunity. Thank you. Good luck TRIBE!

Voting History
Ep. 1- Maranon Immune
Ep. 2-TC2: Jacklyn TC2-2: Did not need to vote