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Q26. False about Hepatocellular carcinoma?

a) In Japan HCV is a common cause

b) HCC is multicentric with HCV

c) Interferon P is prognostic for HCV induced HCC

d) None

Q27) False about Hepatic artery blood flow

a) It is 20% of cardiac output

b) strenuous exercise increases hepatic artery flow

c) Major Oxygen supply to liver by hepatic artery

d) Hepatic artery mainly supplies biliary tree

Q28) False about liver functions

a) makes albumin and fibrinogen

b) endotoxin clearance

c) Thermogenesis

d) stores bile after cholecystectomy

e) Stores vit b12

Q29)  Esophageal stricture can present after anastomoses in all except?

a) Anastomotic leak

b) Tumor Recurrence

c) Stapled Esophageal Enteric Anastomoses

d) Hand sewen Anastomose

Q30) In enbloc radical esophagectomy all structures are removed except

a) Esophagus and periesophageal lymphnodes

b) Main trunk Ajygous vein lymphnode

c) coeliac lymh nodes

d) deep coeliac group



HCV is more common cause than HBV in Japan in causing Hepatocellular carcinoma. Harrsion 589

. Recently, Nishiguchi and colleagues reported that interferon therapy decreased the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in a small number of patients with chronic active hepatitis C with cirrhosis. Mazzella and coworkers showed that interferon-alpha decreased the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with HCV-related cirrhosis. In contrast, Bruno and associates [30] found that interferon therapy was not an independent risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma in anti-HCV-positive patients with cirrhosis. A European group also did not find a significant benefit of interferon-alpha in preventing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with compensated type C cirrhosis. Thus, the effect of interferon treatment on the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with HCV-related cirrhosis is controversial. (

multicentric is more common in HCV infection (1: J Hepatol. 2005 Feb;42(2):225-9.
Multistep and multicentric development of hepatocellular carcinoma: histological analysis of 980 resected nodules)

27)b Hepatic blood flow 20% of cardiac output
Hepatic artery 20% of liver bld , 80% of oxygen
30% of hepatic blood flow
exercise decreases splanchnic and hepatic flow

28) c

CBD stores bile after cholecystectomy

29) d

Hand sewn has les stricture rate than stapler. In a randomized trial performed at the University of Hong Kong Medical Centre that compared stapled and hand-sewn intrathoracic anastomosis, leak rates were similar for both groups (4.9% for the stapled method vs 1.6% for the hand-sewn method), but the stricture rate was substantially higher for the stapled group (40.0% vs 9.1%). Law S, Fok M, Chu KM, Wong J. Comparison of hand-sewn and stapled esophagogastric anastomosis after esophageal resection for cancer: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg. 1997;226:169-173

30) b

Two Field esophagectomy is enbloc resection of all lymph nodes from tracheal bifurcation to coeliac three field isincluding lymphnodes along b/l recurrent laryngeal nerve as well as modified neck dissection.Arch of Azygous is removed not the main trunk
