This short form will be used for my benifit in understanding the needs of my specific clients. Please do not feel offended if any of the questions seem personal. If you think a question is personal and you'd rather not answer just put a P in place of the answer. If it's not applicable, just leave it blank. Thank you for your time.

Download my V-Card:
Company Name:
Previous Job:
Home State/Town:
Job Title: Other:
Education: Major(if Applicable):
Favorite Website:
Are You Married: Yes: No:
Number of Children:
Favorite TV Show:
Spouses Name:
Number of Employees at your Company:

My Answers:
It's only fair I answer the same questions
Name: Mo Ali
Company Name: Global Computer Supplies
Birthday:October 15th, 1979
Previous Jobs: Beeper/Cell Phone Sales
Home State/Town: Queens,New York
Job Title: Corporate Solutions Provider
Education: On my way to acheiving a BS in Computer Science
Favorite Website: the last one I did DJ Masti's
Marital Status: Not Married
Number of Children: Three not mine my neighbors but I consider them just as much, four if you include my girlfriend.
Hobbies: Website design, making friends
Favorite TV show: Kinda Cliche, but Friends and anything on the discovery/learning channel
Spouses Name:N/A but my girlfriends name is Sabrina
Number of Employees @ my Co. about a couple of thousand at least