Coming soon:
More pics!
Submissions by other people (that is if I ever get any...)
Semi-content pages

About Me

My Art


Come on sign it, you know you want to.. Come on...please?
The Abyss
Pages still under heavy construction but open for your veiwing pleasure:
Hey! People actually do come here!!!
Hey! I'm updating! Its only been what... 6 months? Anyway, eventually I'd like this site be something, I just haven't figured out what. Right now, I'm thinking wallpapers, but then I think I'd need a better place to host which means learning HTML and possibly paying, neither of which are even on the radar yet. Another possibility is anime or manga or Harry Potter, but I wan this to be different.
I did add a section showing some walls I made. It was just a quick thing. I guess if you want one
e-mail me or something. I'll take requests too, though i doubt anyone has any. I also made my index page a little simpler, actually a lot simpler. I'll do all the others eventually too. I'll also add a simpler but still interesting background soon too, instead of just blue.I also got rid of the what's new page as it was lame and easier to use the index. I'm also about to upload more pics, whether or not I get them up tonight is another story.