My Supergirl Testament

This is the hero i grew up worshipping as a child. Anytime i heard this movie was gonna be on.. i would pop on my supergirl shirt (a normal blue one with the "S") and watch it with wide eyes. of course, we'd tape it and i'd watch it over and over and over again until i forgot we had it. then i'd wait until the next time UPN or one of those stations showed it again. it was so important to me, that i can remember a traumatic experience when my mom forgot to tape it one day and i wasn't home to see it. that was one of the most depressing days in my childhood. but no longer do i have to worry about that because this year my mom bought me the movie for christmas. i can watch it whenever i want now. :)
Sadly though, there was a point in my life where i wasn't supergirl, and where i didn't care if i missed the movie. i call this phase junior high. One day though a few years ago in the middle of high school, i bought another supergirl shirt and wore it to school and was called supergirl by a few people. slowly i remembered my infatuation with her as a child, the supergirl spirit in me was revived and yes, i became supergirl.
Now I can proudly claim that i AM supergirl. I can show it with the many supergirl shirts i have, and wear my uniform at any possible opportunity. (so far halloween has been the only time) That's the great thing about halloween. i can go out in my uniform and people think it's just a costume! ha! they think i'm just some nut who likes to pretend i'm supergirl when they hear me talking like this. Why, I'm sure that at this very moment you are completely doubting the fact that i could possibly be supergirl. It's great! I can talk about my secret alter-ego freely, and no one believes me! so no one really knows that i really am the REAL supergirl! ahh. the powers of denial work wonders. but it's ok.. because if people started believing me, i'd be in a lot of trouble.

so that's the true story of supergirl. all others are just fiction... but you already knew that. you just didn't know that there actually was a true story among one of them.

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I am not a tool!