year: 2004

shirt worn: SlipKnoT

type of show: official




40below summer


show was: crazy

went with Brian Heshion and Sean Wasik


So it finally came time for me to go to my second official concert. It was the day after Dana's birthday, 2/7/2004, in the second semester of tenth grade. It was also the first concert I had been to outside of West Palm Beach. So me, Brian, and Sean went on adventure down to Fort Lauderdale to seek out the mystic CULTURE ROOM holding the enchanted MUSHROOMHEAD concert. My parents let me go because we told them that Brian's dad was going to stay with us the whole time. We got to Ft. Lauderdale and hit up some food from WENDY'S. Before we go in, Sean is like "I bet the first thing you'll see when we get in, is a giant scary lookin guy with a PANTERA shirt with the sleeves cut off." The funny thing is, he was right. When we got tp the CULTURE ROOM we made a lot of friends by talking to all these drunk and stoned people. My hand was in a cast because I had just broken my hand on from punching a sign when my step dad tried to force me to cut my hair, which he failed in doing. When TWISTED METHOD hit the stage, the place erupted like a mother fucker. The whole floor turned into one giant moshpit. Everyone knew every word to song. They played the exact same set as they did Ozzfest. Right before they played 125, Tripp was like "This next song goes out to all the lovely ladies. I HATE YOU." Brian got his ass kicked like every five seconds. Sean was pimping so much that night. 40below summer got on next and kicked our asses. The pit (which was the entire floor) got even crazier. They tore it up so bad. Before they played their last song, the singer was like, "How many of you have heard of a band called THE DARKNESS," and everyone raised their hand "Let me tell you something. I don't believe in a thing called love, but what I do believe in is you crazy mother fuckers goin around in a tornado pit. I wanna see this place fuckin move. Everyone say with me, 'FUCK THE DARKNESS,'" and of course everyone put their middle fingers in the air and said, "FUCK THE DARKNESS." The singer the said, "This last song goes out to THE DARKNESS , it's called Fuck Everyone." When dope got on, the floor got so crazy I had to stay on the balcony. The singer had so much energy with crowd. They'd cheer after everything he said. They filmed a music video with us in it, I'm not sure which song it was though, damn. MUSHROOMHEAD hit the stage and they tore it up as well. They had to leave the stage for twenty minutes after the first song because some guy in the audience passed out and had a seizure. They played like all their stuff. That was the only concert where every band did equally phenomenal, and everyone knew the words to every song from every band. So far that is the second best show I've been to other then Ozzfest.