A list of people who are gay, or lesbian, and in denial.

Matt Hamilton (a.k.a the leach, or guy that follows me around, you'd think he's attached to us......."GAY"

natalie (a.k.a goin to kick moogs sisters ass)......."BUTCH LESBIAN"

Jane Cathery(a.k.a Tap that)......."IN DENIAL, I MEAN COME ON, SHE WANTS TO, and i qoute, "TAP THAT ASS"

Monkey is a little WHORE!!! What I think of Lindsay "The Monkey" Hienrich

She talks too much way to much!

She is annoying very, very annoying!!

She is a bitch Yes a female dog, I loath her so much!!!

she is incredibly flat Walls are envious of how flat she is!!!!