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Super News

I added a restroom to the web site for the convenience of my loyal web site-visitor-people.. There is also a shower if you need a break from surfing.

This site is website of the month on Bob Smiley's newsletter, along with Eanah's web page, which is much, much better than mine. I'm changing the front page around just a bit, so that you don't miss any links. Also, I'm putting a link to Eanah's on the front page with some stuff about Bob Smiley, since I'm such a nice super hero.

The music page is up and running... it's not much, but it *is* up. Be on the lookout for some Bob Smiley stuff on here soon!

It's the day after Christmas and I'm just fiddling around with the site, preparing for HUGE changes :o) Maybe I will write some stuff about Christmas.. woohoo! Merry Christmas to all, and happy Boxing Day! 12.12.01

The contest went much much quicker than I expected. Congrats to Christie who found it and answered correctly first. It's amazing the things you'll find when you're bored with time on your hands.. anyways, the contest is over, and the page is gone, so no need looking for it. Sorry to everyone who didn't find it, maybe next time. There may be a new contest coming up sometimes soon, so keep an eye out for the special announcement. I've added a little quote thing at the top of the web page with various quotes, catch phrases, and company slogans, that changes every time you view the page. Have fun with those :o)

Ah, more news! I fixed the script error and changed the message on the front of the main page. I left the mood thing alone for now, I'll probably mess with that later and change it or something.. there's one poem in the poems section but more should be up soon. I'm working on new stuff to add to all the pages. Pleeease be patient!

I set up some links on the site menu thing and I added a hidden contest somewhere as well... keep an eye out for that one ;o)

I updated the main.html page today. Soon I will have all the new links and super cool pages that I've been working on up so you can look through them and click on the links and then go to pages that you've never seen before and then laugh or cry or be unmoved or just go back and then sign the guestbook because we all know you love me so much and... er- terribly sorry.. wel.. updated.. yes.. the page.. nevermind, I've said enough...

End Super News