Nothingness -- The Mind's Birthplace

All that matters is what you makes of that nothingness.

When we are born, we are infants physically and mentally. We are not aware. A child is a blank page on which his or her experiences will be written. We are taught. Our experiences are our teachers. What we are taught will affect how will view the world.

Love begets love. Hate begets hate. With hate come fear and violence. There is much hate in the world today. Hate must be learned. Hate comes from misunderstanding. Love comes naturally. A young child does not judge another on the basis on race, creed, or sexual orientation. Often, people who hate teach their children to hate, and so the cycle of hate continues.

Only love can conquer hate. Hate cannot exist in the presence of Love. Love must also be learned, but not in the same way that love is learned. Love is natural and must be encouraged. Children long to form loving relationships with each other. Education is the only way to eradicate hate. I wish to help be a part of that education.

The Three Primary Purposes of this Website:

  • To inform others about Christianity. As it was intended, Christianity is a beautiful religion about love for God and love for each other. In fact, Christianity teaches that God is love! It is also a religion that has its foundation in facts. To dismiss Christianity as a myth held only by uneducated right-wing extremists is to dismiss the loveliness and intelligent complexity of one of the primary ideologies on which western civilization is founded. Click here to learn about Christianity as a religion supported by facts, or click here to learn more specifically the effect it has had on my life. (Also, the war between science and religion is a long and bitter one, and Christianity is often the loser. Click here to learn about the Creation/evolution controversy, or click here to learn about the controversy over the origins of the universe.)
  • To educate the general public about homosexuality, which is probably the most misunderstood phenomenon of our time. I am a homosexual. Because we are not understood, homosexuals are feared and hated. With education comes understanding and tolerance. Homosexuals are normal people in every respect. The only thing that makes us different from heterosexuals is the fact that we are physically and sexually attracted to people of our own biological sex. We also form closer emotional bonds with people of our own biological sex. Click here to learn about homosexuality in general, or click here to learn about my own personal coming out experience.
  • To explain that homosexuality and Christianity are not mutually exclusive. Homosexuals are as diverse a group as heterosexuals, and many gay people are Christians. The two identities can peacefully co-exist within a single person. This website will also hopefully serve as a place of encouragement for gay Christians. To be enlightened about the often confusing condition of being a gay Christian, click here.
Of course, this site will also exist as a way to introduce myself to others: strangers and friends. In this way, others may learn who I truly am. To learn more about me, Theron Gilliland, Jr. (formerly practicing under the internet pseudonym "Alex St. John"), this website's creator, click here.

PLEASE BE PATIENT!!! I am currently updating and everything here is an un-structured mess!

NOTE: These links will be updated when the entire web-site is updated. Thank you for your understanding and your patience.

[ About Me ] [ Christianity ] [ My Life as a Christian ] [ Creationism vs. Evolution ] [ Creationism vs. The Big Bang ]
[ Homosexuality ] [ Coming Out ] [ Gay Christians ] [ Biology ] [ Human Behavior ] [ Philosophy ]

Click here to e-mail me and tell me what you think.
Updated on Tuesday, January 25, 2005

This page can be found at