<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/sunshinetb/halowen.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
October 2003
Friday - 3rd - World Smile Day
Monday -  6th - Yom Kippur
Saturady - 11th - Sukkot
Sunday - 12th - Columbus Day
Monday - 13th - Columbus Day Observed U.S.
Thanksgiving Canada
National Children's Day
Thursday - 16th - National Boss Day
Saturday -  Sweetest Day
Sunday - 26 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
Sunday - Mother-In-Law's Day
Friday - 31st - Happy Halloween!
See You in November!! Sign the Guest Map!!!
I DID IT!!!!
Thank-you for this award from:  www.artcels.com !
[Ask Earl]
1.)  What date does Halloween fall on a Leap Year?
2.)  Every Halloween, Charlie Brown helps his friend Linus wait for what character to appear?
3.)  What do people traditionally "BoB" for at Halloween Parties?
4.)  Which Country celebrates "The Day of the Dead" instead of Halloween?
5.)  Pumpkins grow on what?
6.)  What is the name of the serial killer in the movie, "Halloween"?
7.)  Halloween is celebrated on the eve of what Christian Holiday?
8.)  Halloween originated from a festival celebrated by what ancient European tribe?
9.)  What "phobia" do you suffer from if you have an intense fear of Halloween?
10.)  In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o-lantern?
11.)  Is there really a place called "Translvania and if so what Country is it in?
12.)  What was Bram Stoker famous for?
13.)  What does the Number 7 have to do with werewolves?
14.)  Vampires often have hair on a part of their body where normal people never do...where?
15.)  Describe exactly how to make a bullet that will kill a werewolf.
16.)  Name 2 different types of plants that will drive vampires away?
17.)  Name 2 animals that a vampire can change into or control?
18.)  What famous city is the setting for most of the books Dracula?
19.)  What was Dr. Frankensteins first name?
20.)  Name some objects that can be used to drive away vampires and werewolves?
21.)  Where do vampires sleep and when?
22.)  Describe the complete procedure for killing a vampire once and for all?
23.)  What are male witches called?
24.)  How many movies of "Halloween" are there?
25.)  Vampires don't cast what?
1.)  October 31st
2.)  The Great Pumkin
3.)  Apples
4.)  Mexico
5.)  A vine
6.)  Michael Myers
7.)  All Saints Day
8.)  Celts
9.)  Samhainophobia
10.) Turnips
11.)  Yes....Romania
12.)  He wrote the original book "Dracula"
13.)  A werewolf must always be the 7th son of a seventh son
14.)  The palm of their hands and the souls of their feet
15.)  A crucifix of pure silver must be melted down and shaped into a bullet. (It would help if the bullet was blessed by a priest or minister)
16.)  Garlic (The Flowers) and wolfbane
17.)  A bat and or wolf
18.)  Translevania
19.)  Dr. Victor Frankenstein
20.)  Sunlight, crucifxes, Bibles, Holy Water, Roseries, Bible book marks or any Religous object blessed by a priest or minister
21.)  In their coffins during the day
22.)  The coffin must be open during the day, while the vampire is asleep.  A stake made of Hickory wood must be driven through the heart then the head is removed, the mouth is stuffed with garlic, the head is rotated on the neck face down in the coffin, the lid is replaced, the coffin and its contents are burned, and the smoldering ashes are dowsed with Holy water that was blessed by a minister and or priest
23.)  Warlocks
24.)  8 Movies---but soon to be 9!!
25.)  A reflection in a mirror
Fun Facts:
Months that start on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th!

A dentist invented the Electric Chair!
Click the Tombstone and go to some Fun and Interesting Halloween Sites!  (Includes a site for Halloween Michael Myers!!!)
Turn up your Volume!!!
Last Update 10/8/03
No Right Click Zone!
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