dolphin_wtr.gif (7321 bytes)DOLPHINSdolphin_wtr.gif (7321 bytes)

This is a page made for me, by me and is not intended to impress anyone !

I love Dolphins

And just HAD to make a page with them on it, and the information I know about them

So maybe you can learn something

Or just have fun looking at the pictures and images

You can also go further down the page and visit my other pages

Or maybe write in my GUESTBOOK

Well ..... here we go then..................

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dolphin01.gif (172 bytes)Dolphins (Delphiniade) are in the same family as whales. They live in all oceans. But are mostly found in The Mediterrannian ocean and The Atlantic ocean. Sometimes they are found as far north as around Norway, but then only as a singel individual. They are NOT fish, but mammals. They eat fish and occtopus and other seacreatures. Dolfins used to live on land, but have addapted to a life in the wather. Eveything about their body is changed except for the lungs. They have to surface to breath.All organs that would reduce their ability to swim are "shrinked". Like the "backlegs" and the outerear. The frontlegs are now small finns and the tail are a very powerful movementorgan. It goes up and down, not sideways like with fish.

dolphin01.gif (172 bytes)Dolpins live in groups and are very familiare. They take good care of the offspring and their friends. Sometimes they can be friends with humans to. Dolphins like to have company..sometimes you can see them in groups playing around ships, or just following the ship...often in front of the ship. It has been messured that they can swim as fast as 18 knots !

dolphin01.gif (172 bytes)Dolphins give birth to babies, whom drink milk from their mother. Evey other year they can get a new baby. They go pregnant in 11-12 months ! Dolphins are very devoted parents, and the hole group takes care of the small ones. Dolphins also takes care of other Dolphis in need of help.

dolphin01.gif (172 bytes)Dolphins can get to be about 2 m. long. They are blackbrown on the top and white under. Their hearing is very good, they communicate with wisteling sounds and ultrasound. Scientists have learned how to communicate with the Dolphins.

dolphin01.gif (172 bytes)The Dolphins brain is bigger than humans and very developed. Scientist has discovered that the Dolphins learn very quick..and since they love to play; the are put in pools and have to perform for us humans. Luckuly it seems that they like it.

dolphin01.gif (172 bytes)One group of Dolphins live only in fresh wather, the Riverdolphins. They can be found in rivers like Ganges and The Amazonasriver.

Another familymember is the Orca (Orcinus Orca). They are a lot bigger, about 9 m. long. And are the fastest swimmers in the sea. They live in both warm and cold wather.


dolphinlilla.gif (3519 bytes) DOLPHINS SPECIES Jeroen's Fins & Flukes page dolphinlilla.gif (3519 bytes)
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