Welcome to Kurt's Guestbook !!! The place where everyone leaves messages for me !!!

I am one who can take constructive critisism, but if all you are going to do is insult me and my site then don't bother leaving anything...Just leave.

geo - 12/20/00 02:42:50
My Email:gag60804@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: Dracula
Favorite Sport: wrestling
Like wrestling or not ???: yes

KT - 12/06/00 14:50:22
My Email:kthough@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: the crow
Favorite Sport: whats that all about?
Like wrestling or not ???: mmmm nah soz
Favorite Actor/Actoress: brandon lee
Favorite Kind of Music: n e thing apart from pop
Favorite Band: eminem
yeh!!!!real nice!

kt - 12/06/00 14:46:26
My Email:lane_KT@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: the crow
Favorite Sport: uuhh????sport!wah!!!
Like wrestling or not ???: eerrrrrrrrrr!spose
Favorite Actor/Actoress: brandon lee/angelina jolie
Favorite Kind of Music: heavy metal
Favorite Band: nine inch nails dude!!

Jake - 10/26/00 16:39:40
My URL:http://www.nadsoffury.comicpage.com
My Email:nadsoffury@hotmail.com
I eat poop!

Allison - 08/01/00 21:07:40
My URL:(must be in hotmail/msn to access http://communities.msn.com/nineinchnailsfanswelcome&naventryid=100
My Email:ayork86@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: The Lost Boys
Favorite Sport: Bowling (at least I can do that)
Like wrestling or not ???: yes..... stone cold rules
Favorite Actor/Actoress: kiefer sutherland
Favorite Kind of Music: rock/metal/thrash
Favorite Band: kittie/nine inch nails/ greenday
see my other sites at http://www.expage.com/mycoolartpage http://www.expage.com/nothingatallpage http://www.oocities.org/ayork86/allisonsblink182page.html you could also reach me at ayork86@hotmail.com

Edge - 07/09/00 13:13:54
Favorite Kind of Music: Metal/all
Favorite Band: almost every metal band.
the brood are SO much better than sting...deal with it.

The Phantom - 07/06/00 20:44:17
My Email:leecartwright@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Half Baked
Favorite Sport: Hockey
Like wrestling or not ???: Do ya think?
Favorite Actor/Actoress: CZJ (right?)
Favorite Kind of Music: hip hop
Favorite Band: Black Sabbath/Ozzy
FUUUUUULLLLLLLMMMMMOOOORRRE! Cool page dude! I just don't know how someone who is a rooty poo candy ass jabroni can have such a good page. Later.

juliette - 06/06/00 01:11:05
My Email:tahitian_blonde@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: Too many to name Star Wars etc
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Like wrestling or not ???: it has its moments
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Fairuza Balk, Drew Barrymore, Angelina Jolie, Nicholas Cage
Favorite Kind of Music: Rap, Alternative a little bit of everything
Favorite Band: Cypress Hill,Limp Bizkit,Bone Thugs n Harmony,Kid Rock, Eminem
I think your page rocks..especially your comic site..i love graphics so really get into them (x men and spiderman are the bomb!) Your girlfriend is very lucky!! Keep it up

juliette - 06/06/00 01:07:30
My Email:tahitian_blonde@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: Too many to name Star Wars etc
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Like wrestling or not ???: it has its moments
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Drew Barrymore, Angelina Jolie, Nicholas Cage
Favorite Kind of Music: Rap, Alternative a little bit of everything
Favorite Band: Cypress Hill,Limp Bizkit,Bone Thugs n Harmony,Kid Rock, Eminem
I think your page rocks..especially your comic site..i love graphics so really get into them (x men and spiderman are the bomb!) Your girlfriend is very lucky!! Keep it up

LADY BLADE - 05/26/00 08:29:55
Favorite Sport: ICE SKATING
Like wrestling or not ???: YEAH IT'S REALLY GOOD.
Favorite Kind of Music: MATRIX SOUNDTRACK
Favorite Band: DON'T HAVE ONE

dan - 04/26/00 19:52:12

Krystal Freddy - 04/20/00 16:17:52
My Email:darlinefredy@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: South Park Bigger, Londer and Uncut
Favorite Sport: Bowling
Like wrestling or not ???: Yes I like wrestling.
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Will Smith
Favorite Kind of Music: Heavy Metal
Favorite Band: Nine Inch Nails
Hey what's up I like bowling too and Iam on a team the team is called Girls Rule I been bowling for 2YRs now I also like watching T.V. and Loud that comes on every Saturaday (sometimes) and I have a boyfriend and he also 18 he's been out of school and Iam a drop out student. I also kick ass in bowling. This web site of yours is great I love Nine Inch Nails.

KARNAGE - 03/31/00 07:24:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Exhibit/7909/
My Email:darkest_abyss@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: What Dreams May Come
Favorite Sport: Wrestling
Like wrestling or not ???: Yeah
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Anthony Hopkins, Robin Williams
Favorite Kind of Music: Metal & Goth
Favorite Band: Nine Inch Nails
Hey, Your page isn't bad, I liked most of it, Vampires, Comics, NIN, Wrestling, I love all that stuff. Check out my page, you might like it.

pyro - 03/16/00 02:27:46
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/HeadbangersHwy/nin_warm_place/index.html
My Email:pyroknight418@aol.com
Favorite Movie: too many
Favorite Sport: none
Like wrestling or not ???: not really
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Morticia from Addams Family
Favorite Band: nine inch nails
dude, work on your page a little more, you can do better

Rachel Fulmore - 01/27/00 01:38:29
My Email:bebubear@hotmail.com
Favorite Sport: Volleyball
Like wrestling or not ???: play fighting
Favorite Actor/Actoress: nicholas cage
Favorite Kind of Music: old school/techno ??
Favorite Band: Prodigy ??
Hey man, i was just visiting your page because i was looking up on icq to see if anybody had the last name fulmore, i didnt think their would be very many because there's none here other than us. i just think its cool that there's more of us maybe youre related? w ll see ya

Sonya - 12/26/99 05:03:07
Favorite Movie: don't know
Favorite Sport: football
Like wrestling or not ???: love it
Favorite Kind of Music: rock and metal
Favorite Band: METALLICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved the page. I especially loved the vampire pics!!

richard - 11/19/99 02:40:32
My URL:http://frans_01.tripod.com/index.html
Favorite Movie: Seven
Favorite Sport: Wrestling
Like wrestling or not ???: Heck yes
Favorite Actor/Actoress: dont know
Favorite Kind of Music: rock
Favorite Band: metallica
I love wrestling ameture and pro. hey check out my page. like your page also

Loki - 11/06/99 18:02:58
My URL:http://www.dreamwater.com/lokii/
My Email:pumpkinhedd@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: hmmm thats a hard 1! I have loads!
Favorite Sport: I hate sport!
Like wrestling or not ???: NO
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Fairuza Balk!
Favorite Kind of Music: Goth,industrial,strange
Favorite Band: Nine Inch Nails!
It's a Good site! I have also just created my first web site so come sign my guest book!!! Anyone that likes NIN is a friend of mine:) Keep it up!

Euroterran - 10/01/99 21:28:25
My Email:Euroterran@AOL.com
Favorite Movie: star wars
Favorite Sport: skating
Like wrestling or not ???: not really

Randal L. Gwinn - 09/09/99 23:42:09
My Email:gwinnrl@corning.com
Favorite Movie: Right now, Armagedon. Last year Tombstone, Year before Silence of the Lambs
Favorite Sport: Cycling, Hiking (do a little of both)
Like wrestling or not ???: Sorry, too theateratical
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Bruce Willis, Val Kilmer, Jodie Foster
Favorite Kind of Music: Metal
Favorite Band: Metallica
Nice site for your first effort. Please forgive my spelling, too lazy to spell check this evening.

Jasper - 07/13/99 09:16:43
My Email:pheonix_warrior77@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: The Mummy
Favorite Sport: Extreme biking
Like wrestling or not ???: Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Jean-Claude van Damme
Favorite Kind of Music: Grunge
Favorite Band: NIRVANA!
Kicks ass

MogStomp - 06/24/99 19:21:48
My Email:cbenson@cancom.net
Favorite Movie: Edward Scizzorhands
Favorite Sport: snoozing...or road hockey
Like wrestling or not ???: not really....corny sometimes
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Robin Williams
Favorite Kind of Music: wacky stuff
Favorite Band: Great Big Sea
Way hey hey Nice page. you kinda went nuts on those animated gifs you kook. And my web page still works too! im so amazed! how do you update yours?

Rainz - 05/30/99 01:39:53
My Email:...
Favorite Movie: yourmom
Favorite Sport: none
Like wrestling or not ???: nope
Favorite Actor/Actoress: jenna jameson
Favorite Kind of Music: none
Favorite Band: fuckyou
page sucks :)

Rainz - 05/30/99 01:39:46
My Email:...
Favorite Movie: yourmom
Favorite Sport: none
Like wrestling or not ???: nope
Favorite Actor/Actoress: jenna jameson
Favorite Kind of Music: none
Favorite Band: fuckyou
page sucks :)

mona Bingham - 04/13/99 21:02:06
My Email:monab@coreperformance.com
Favorite Movie: x-files
Favorite Sport: taiboxing
Like wrestling or not ???: ok
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Jack Nickelson
Favorite Kind of Music: all but partial to rock&roll
Favorite Band: Nine inch nails-you sold me
I work with IT professionals on a daily basis. I have to say that your page impresses me. Maybe because we have the same interests. For eighteen years of age you are awesome. Keep it up. When your ready for a job call Core Performance in Chicago. 31 -822-0880. Go boy go!!!

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 13:15:51

Ich mag Sie nicht paginieren. Ich denke nicht, daß es sehr interessant ist. Sie sollten es neu entwerfen. Ich hoffe, daß dieses hilft. Gutes Glück.

Vampsblood - 03/18/99 20:24:35
My Email:Vampsblood@Dangerous-minds.com
Favorite Movie: The Crow
Like wrestling or not ???: Not
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Haven't got one
Favorite Kind of Music: All
Favorite Band: Haven't got one
Hi Kurt, I would just like to say that your pictures of vampires are really cool, but you should try to do something to speed up your page

Vampskiss - 03/18/99 20:23:19
My Email:Vampskiss@dangerous-minds.com
Favorite Movie: Lost Boys and Blade.
Favorite Sport: Hunting and bloodsucking!
Like wrestling or not ???: 'Fraid not.
Favorite Actor/Actoress: I don't have just one fave.
Favorite Kind of Music: Alternative.
Favorite Band: Nirvana or Korn.
Hiya Kurt, Your page is really cool and you have some fantastic pics of vampires. Though your page tends to download fairly slowly. Keep up the good work!

nickie - 12/05/98 02:53:54
My Email:banginadrock@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: The Crow, Natural Born Killers, Dazed and Confused
Favorite Sport: wreastling, football,lacrosse
Like wrestling or not ???: yeah In a Hardcore manner
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Juliette Lewis
Favorite Kind of Music: Alternative/industrial
Favorite Band: Nine inch nails, Old Beastie boys stuff
Dude, this is a killer page but you need more info. great pics. I'll be back again definately

nickie - 12/05/98 02:53:54
My Email:banginadrock@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: The Crow, Natural Born Killers, Dazed and Confused
Favorite Sport: wreastling, football,lacrosse
Like wrestling or not ???: yeah In a Hardcore manner
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Juliette Lewis
Favorite Kind of Music: Alternative/industrial
Favorite Band: Nine inch nails, Old Beastie boys stuff
Dude, this is a killer page but you need more info. great pics. I'll be back again definately

Specialized - 11/29/98 22:27:57
My Email:specialize@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Godzilla
Favorite Sport: Cycling
Like wrestling or not ???: Sure(Austin 3:16)
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Lina Teoh
Favorite Kind of Music: Alternative
Favorite Band: Oasis
Nice site.Really cool.The only drawback is it is very slow.Other than that it is a cool site.DX RULEZZZZ

Blacklight Records - 11/28/98 23:09:43
My URL:http://www.blacklight.com
My Email:label@blacklight.com
Favorite Movie: The Alien Series
Favorite Sport: Deathrace 2000
Like wrestling or not ???: Yuk!
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Michael Ironside
Favorite Kind of Music: INDUSTRIAL!!!
Favorite Band: Blacklight bands!
Nice little site! Come check out our site sometime!

Jesse Amacleto - 11/19/98 16:08:33
My Email:Janacleto@3do.com
Favorite Movie: Prophecy
Favorite Sport: Full Contact Fighting
Like wrestling or not ???: If you smell what the Rock is cookin'!
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Robert Deniro/ Anita Mui
Favorite Kind of Music: Most forms except country and gospel
Favorite Band: None
Nice site. I'm looking for Gangrel's theme music. Can you hook me up?

kurt henning - 11/12/98 22:35:33
Favorite Movie: titus stinks up the bathroom
Favorite Sport: fucking
Like wrestling or not ???: yes
Favorite Actor/Actoress: you
Favorite Kind of Music: rock
Favorite Band: korn

10/13/98 01:20:54
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

dr lee - 10/05/98 17:37:15
My Email:www.drlee29@hotmail.com
Favorite Sport: wrestling
Like wrestling or not ???: i love it
Favorite Actor/Actoress: jackie chan
Favorite Kind of Music: heavy metal
Favorite Band: metallica
can i listen to some music from wwf themes

KM - 10/03/98 00:08:56
Favorite Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Sport: Paintball
Like wrestling or not ???: NNOOOO!!!!!!
Favorite Actor/Actoress: David Dechovny
Favorite Kind of Music: rock and heavy industrial
Favorite Band: Metalica

NOODLE BOY - 07/13/98 21:09:25
My Email:FYM
Favorite Sport: WHIRLY BALLING
Like wrestling or not ???: HALF AND HALF
Favorite Actor/Actoress: NONE
Favorite Kind of Music: INDUSTRIAL
Favorite Band: PRIMUS

Vince Mascoll - 07/11/98 04:21:37
My Email:midnight4life@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Total Recall
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Like wrestling or not ???: Yes
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Will Smith
Favorite Kind of Music: Rap/Hip-Hop
Favorite Band: A Tribe Called Quest
Your site is okay but I think it'sstarting to grow short strands of ball hair.

monster - 07/06/98 04:11:47
Favorite Movie: out for justice
Favorite Sport: base ball
Like wrestling or not ???: yes very much
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Pamela Anderson
Favorite Kind of Music: heavy metal
Favorite Band: tool&korn
Your web page looks awesome for a first web page.

Iceman - 07/02/98 04:42:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Villa/5301
My Email:foutchc@rocketmail.com
Favorite Movie: Deep Impact
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Like wrestling or not ???: Yeah
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Jean Claude Van Damme
Favorite Kind of Music: Alternative
Favorite Band: The Urge
Nice page. The wrestling section was really cool. Keep up the good work, man!

Anderson nyek nyek NADIA - 05/28/98 15:16:59
My Email:dooweeb@earthling.net
Favorite Movie: interview with da vamp
Favorite Sport: sleeping
Like wrestling or not ???: sometimes
Favorite Actor/Actoress: brad pitt heh heh heh
Favorite Kind of Music: surprisingly SKA!
Favorite Band: not band, jas BECK!
i want pictures!!! I WANT PICTURES!!! az's computer's crashing! ya won't be seeing much of her!

Dayton Pederson - 05/18/98 18:04:29
My Email:Shinosikai@juno.com
Favorite Movie: Ghost and the Darkness
Favorite Sport: Ice Hockey
Like wrestling or not ???: Yes
Favorite Actor/Actoress: Carmen Elecktra
Favorite Kind of Music: Rock
Favorite Band: Metallica
The site is neat, It neads more 3d/professional look to it.

Crystal Chief - 05/15/98 15:17:30
My URL:http://www.mts.net/~cchief/main.htm
My Email:cchief@mb.sympatico.ca
Favorite Movie: Any horror fiction
Favorite Sport: yuck
Like wrestling or not ???: sure
Favorite Actor/Actoress: erm...Julia Roberts?
Favorite Kind of Music: anything except rap
Favorite Band: too many to choose from
Hiya Kurt. I'm the first to sign your guestbook. I'm so proud. I like your page...but it takes forever to load!

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