Dendra Carm

Call for the Piper
I Can't Stop Dancing - NEW
Drawings by Finlay Miff

Call for the Piper
by Dendra Carm

I cut them freshly from the field of hue
Sweet smelling roses and daffodils.
They linger around me like a cornbeef stew
My ample breasts heave rhythmically for you.

Kingfisher, nightingale, cuckoo gnu,
Warbler, sparrow, marshmallows, peru
Oh what fun we had with my laptop too,
Let's dance the fandango and sail your canoe

My hearts beat loudly on your horse and cart,
I shuffle the cards and cut a jam tart.
The picture fades the air breathes blue,
My body aches for that snooker cue.

Wotsits, maramalade, sugery icecubes,
Lard and dripping to cook the spew.
Putrid smells the milk that spills,
Let's go sing in those satanic mills.

by Dendra Carm 

Arthur's got a fever
Mary's got the pox,
Johnny's got gangrene,
And his foots hanging off! 

Bed pans, toilet rolls,
Sick and shit and pee,
Chicken for our dinner,
And crumpets for our tea. 

They won't let us out of here,
For fear we're going to die,
I cannot think of Christmas,
With turkey and mince pies. 

Can I have the telly on?
No you bloody can't.
Doctor's coming shortly
He's looking at your chart. 

I wish they'd let me go home,
I want to play maracas,
I want to sing and dance and jump
And pull some of me crackers!

I Can’t Stop Dancing
By Dendra Carm

I had my big baggy flares and tank top too
My black mascara and platforms shoes, 
My leatherette jacket and a purse full of money,
I watched Top of the Pops and sang Sugar, Honey, Honey.

I said things like "groovy" and "hey that's neat!"
And giggled to Topcat and wore Scholls on my feet,
My legs looked like spindles in my plastic hotpants,
I thought I looked gorgeous and I wanted to dance.

I got on the dance floor and started to sway,
The music was taking my troubles away,
My feet started moving in time to the tune,
They were playing Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.

When it was finished I was ready to drop, 
But my feet didn't want the D.J. to stop,
I tried to sit down but my feet kept on tapping,
I got up once again and people were laughing.

They were laughing me, what had I done?
Was it my hotpants? Was there ink on my bum?
Then all of a sudden, I reached for my head,
I'd forgotten my wig - it was still on my bed.

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