

Hey kiddies!I've had this layout on another page for a while and just decided to pull it to this one for easier navigation. Like it? Also, I'm not a lazy graphic stealing bum anymore! Yay for me learning to make my own! But there is still a lot of work to do. Look around, don't mind me, I'll work around you. Please sign the guestbook before you leave. Keep screamin' - Scream Queen

Choose your Destiny
scream 2
scream 3
the ring
link to me
movie reviews
my journal
still more about me
my metallica site

Happy Birthday!
Skeet Ulrich~Jan 20
Matt Lillard~Jan 24*Me too!
Heather Graham~Jan 29
Drew Barrymore~Feb 22, '75
Jamie Kennedy~May 25, '70
Wes Craven~Aug 2
David Arquette~Sep 8, '71

The Legal Stuff
Everything here, including the layout and photos, is © to Scream Queen, 1996. Don't use it without my permission, okay?

Site Updates

Saturday October 11, 2003

It's the GRAND RE-OPENING of SCREAM QUEEN'S HORROR MOVIE HANGOUT! WOOHOO! All the Scream that you can shake a stick at is finally finished. Well, as finished as I plan on making it for a long, long time. How sad. Also added a thanks page, buttons for you to link to me with, and put my guestbook back up. The Ring portion of the page will not be ready for a few days.

Wednesday October 8, 2003

As it turns out, remodeling an old page is a bigger pain in the ass than starting a new one from scratch. Just changing some things to the new format at the moment. I appologize for any dead links. They will be fixed within the next few days.

Sunday September 14, 2003

Major updates to this page. Added new graphics (squee!)

Monday September 01, 2003

Major updates to Metallica page, but not much here. Still working on graphics. Page will be ready for grand re-opening soon.