What is The Monsdale Trust? I'm very curious you see, once when I was a kid I use to be very curious but then I fell down a well, so as you can understand, I'm cautious too. So is this Monsdale Trust like an internet well?

Hey, I understand you fears about curiosity - but don't worry, The Trust isn't like a well at all. It's simply an internet organisation that helps make dreams come true for all members. Even Weird Al Yankovich is a member - Though don't let that put you off - our friend Al will soon be taken care of.

How do I join? I'm not very good at joining things - I get easily confused.

Ha ha! I understand your fears. I once tried to join Amnesty International but ended up in the French Military - Oh, the irony! Instead of helping the more peaceful members of society I was soon cracking skulls with my baton at the student riots last year! ha ha! My friends all laughed about that one until I started macing the bastards.

Anyhow, all you need to do is send me an E-mail (or any trust member) a note pledging your Soul to the Trust - It's soooo easy even Bill Clinton could do it. After a little persuasion. But I won't go into the depths I had to sink to get him. And as a reward for joining you can get anything at all in the world as a joining gift: Choose from Gold plated helicopters, islands made of sugar and the milk carton from the Coffee and TV video. All these gifts have been given in the past but you can have whatever you WANT - Even a talking alligator with pronounced social problems.


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