Name: Tim
Location: mount pleasant, pennsylvania
Email: hxjf@grove.iup.edu
Homepage: http://members.tripod.com/~Lokiel

I am the groove masta... i am the soul provida my life's really funny like the show golden girls. I like to watch that w/ my moom while eating supper. I also like Absolutely Fabulous. I love ta draw all the time, and I like to skateboard for fun as well as make music on my keyboard. I like to go out dancing 2

I have a comic book project going on... i'm writing a story which will eventually be made into an online comic, and will be put into print when i get the dough. it's gonna be REALLY COOL, everybody will like it i promise!! if you wanna check it out go to my web page !!

I also do stuff for a zine for the band Unholy Erection- two dudes making digital songs of love that would drive the plot of any gay porn to a feeding frenzy... their web page and zine are here .

please email me! i like other people but i don't know any!