Pristine Christine

Name: Christine
Location: Hawaii
Homepage: N/A
Other Pics: Pic 2, Pic 3's one for her courtesy of danica:)

christine is officially the "HAWAII QUEEN OF THE SCENE"!! spend five minutes with her and you'll know why! if you could see the way she smokes her cigarettes and look into her big blue'd be mesmorized:) she loves music, which i think i may be understating, she may be obsessed, but that is such a harsh word:) she does own more mousic than anyone else i know! but i guess that's also why she is the "QUEEN OF TAPE TRADES"!!! you name it...she probably has it! she'll also design a pretty cover for the tape too:) christine also loves strawberry smoothies, anything leapord, the color red, sherri freckles, and her black creepers with spikes that she always gets compliments on. she prefers fruity popcicles over ice cream and potatoes and cheese rawk her world! she doesn't eat anything that had a mother and she loves meatless taco bell. she's moving to florida and hopes to start a distro and label with her pal michelle. right now she sings in hawaii's only all girl band ramona and does a zine that she has yet to complete. basicly christine pristine is the raddest girl in town :)

"she knows how to fend off demons with her angelic pierce." -julie