
Name: Amy
Age: 24 (as of june 4)
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Email: amyw@usroute66.net
Homepage: PxRxDYKE-Y
Other Pics: Pic 2, Pic 3

I better make this count because I probably won't update info until my next birthday. My girlfriend (CJ) and I are in a band called Idgie (homepage above) along with our friends Tobi and 'R'. I also do a zine called Elegant Discourse. We put on Elegant Discourse Night at the Hi-Pointe in St. Louis once a month so if you are in a band and would like to come play in the city with the Arch, e-mail me! CJ and I run Stilladyke Records and we are putting out a cd comp this summer with midwest bands on it.
Um, more about myself, my favorite band of all time is the Breeders! I love the color blue. I have a cat names Chaos. I'm going to Webster U. in the fall. I love watching the news. I love CJ!