Lookit us. We're cool. We have a What's New page.

Messed up ramblings from that extraterrestrial-type chick...

This came about because those -new! and -updated! dealies were appearing everywhere and I couldn't keep what was actually new! and updated! apart from what was new! and updated! like a month ago. And since I'm incredibly lazy and didn't feel like going back and checking when all those html files were created, I made this instead to keep track of it. I give it a week until one of the other people finds out I did this and comes after me with a pack of rabid thumbtacks.


06/03/1999 --
Updated SacredVirgin.
06/01/1999 --
Added Sericeus AGAIN, since the LAST time she was on there, I messed up and accidentally deleted her. She was kind enough not to kill me. :)
05/27/1999 --
Updated Chaos. :) *dance dance dance*
05/24/1999 --
Updated marsha.
05/21/1999 --
Updated pixigrrrl and Thirza, and added Cecilia.
05/19/1999 --
Updated chaos and Korrah. And added a profile for An anonymous viewer.. *lol*
05/17/1999 --
Lessee... Updated Spidee. And added a swank ol' pic to Jooge's profile (note: Check out the C!). Also updated Korrah and added a new rule to picture-sending-in.... *lip snarl*
AND! Changed the counter to the Nova Scotia party this summer. A Halifaxifyin' good time. I think I can, I think I can...
05/12/1999 --
Lots of updates and stuff. Half the page updating crew was in Ohio last week for Homopotato Fest, so we've been kinda slack. It was fun though, so yeah. Whee!
Let's see. Updated jooge. :) And kinli. And mab. Also added bettiedork and mz fitt. Yeah, yeah, yeah...
05/04/1999 --
Added dirtylooks.
05/03/1999 --
Added jerrod, letterfromelise, and Cubby.
04/29/1999 --
Added Houston Grrl and updated xDigMeOutx.
04/27/1999 --
Added sweet_aniina_23, and updated Junior Panther and spidee. My, what a run-on sentence.
04/25/1999 --
Updated chaos. And hotmail finally decided to work, so was able to put new pics on melissa (a_s)'s profile. Yay!
04/23/1999 --
Added XDigMeOutX.
Also added a NEW mystery. The Balloon Helicopter Whistle mystery. Jinkies!
04/22/1999 --
Updated pixigrrrl. Or something. Today sucks. Grrr.
04/18/1999 --
Updated stinky and added Junior Panther and lynn boss.
04/16/1999 --
Added alaska and updated jane lane and AlienShe. Hehehehehehehe.
04/08/1999 --
Added communityfirst. I'd put something else in here but I'm in a bad mood right now. Grrr.
04/07/1999 --
Added Anne Heche. Updated bess a few days ago too. Whoops. Forgot to add that. And changed the countdown to Midwest Fest '99. Boo yeah.
03/30/1999 --
Added rats. I WOULD have added her last night, but Noooooo! Geocities decided to take their blankety-blankin' SERVER down for 8 hours. The jerks.
Hi. :) Anyway. :)
03/24/1999 --
Added ruby baby and girliedyke. It was a Halifaxin' good time.
03/21/1999 --
Sorry about the delay. Half the chat kids page taker carer ofers were in Canada earlier this month...
Let's see. Updated Adam. Added Mab, jane lane, embryo, ring, and Rokit.
Also changed the counter to reflect the Disgruntled Ex-SK Concert Attenders of the Midwest (DESKCAM) Minneapolis takeover at Nicollet Mall. Word.
03/02/1999 --
Added PromQueer and Sericeus, whose name I can never spell correctly without cutting and pasting.
03/1/1999 (part four) --
Oops. You spelled her name wrong. :) Now she's gonna be PISSED. :)
03/1/1999 (part three) --
weird, I wrote something else and it got deleted.. was it LILI THE BAD-TEMPERED BINDER CLIPP?
03/1/1999 (part two) --
Why, I do declare! I don't have the foggiest clue what you're talking about, Carly-sweetie. You know that I think everything about that picture is just lovely as pie. :) It musta been Lili, the Bad-Tempered Binder Clip who updated the profiles on Friday. :) Yeah! :)
And ps, yeay indeed. :) *DANCE DANCE DANCE* akdjshdshag.ad.jf
03/1/1999 --
Angie, I think marci would be very upset to know that you are dissing her best friend. - ace
p.s.. yeay for M-A-R-C-H!
02/26/1999 --
Added yet another WeetzieBat. Is there a shortage on handles out there, people?
And ps, the left hand side of that new Marci picture is scary as fuck. :)
02/25/1999 --
Snuck on to Marci's profile and added a real special picture of her and her best friend. Check it out! - Ace
02/19/1999 --
Added Flippy. My eyes are bleeding now. :P~~~
02/12/1999 --
Updated danica's profile there then, dontchaknow?
02/11/1999 --
Added jooge (whose profile is not yet finished) and Irish Cream.
My friend Ms. West wrote me a really awesome poem that made me forget I was sick for a good 20 minutes. :) And who knew that between Marci and I we can do 803 :)'s in five and a half hours?? *lol*
02/10/1999 --
Updated nerdygirl's profile and fixed Eidolon's. And I'm starting to think that maybe I oughtta prune this, as January 3rd is not exactly NEW anymore. Hmmm.
02/06/1999 --
Fixed acorn and kapu's profile. I need to learn to not update this thing whilst walking someone through Fdisk. Also added Korrah and VileRage and updated dakota and miyu.
02/05/1999 --
Brock came to my house today! :D Wooo! We ate at Perkins, watched Serial Mom with stinky and her friend, and bought our Sle*ter-K*nney tickets. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :P~ We also called roy herbert popsoda. Awww yeah. Then we went to Wal*mart at 2:30am and bought t-shirts for the NOTE: the message board is Down campaign. Word.
You might think this has nothing to do with the chat kids page, but then you would obviously not be aware of my secret plot to take over the world with my army of trained squirrels. It all makes sense in the end. Oh, yes.
My, but this is long.
02/04/1999 --
Added acorn as well as a picture to kapu's profile.
Also. Let us give a moment of silence to mourn the message board's return. *moment* There we are.
01/30/1999 --
Stinky has a picture now! Yay! I'll add something witty here later. :P
01/25/1999 --
Added Beanette and also JenJen a couple days ago. I forgot to write it down though. Whoops.
And Carly, you crazyass, you can use my little geeky thang any time you want. :) That goes for Leslie and Emily, too...if you guys're still out there... *echo*
01/22/1999 --
hi this is carly sneakin into angie's little geeky thang.. I updated brock's profile and there is still more to come. yeeah.
01/20/1999 --
Added geekore and updated marsha.
01/19/1999 --
Updated eimile and kapu's profile again! I'm speedy. Vroom.
01/17/1999 --
Updated Beery and holiday go li...er. heather galaxy.
01/15/1999 --
Updated kapu's profile. :) She has a webpage now! Yay!
01/14/1999 --
Added stinky. And just about died of wrong-pipe-liquidy-intake.
01/12/1999 --
Updated jessika and Winterfoxx's profile.
01/11/1999 --
Added Brighton and kathleen.
01/...10, maybe?/1999 --
I can't remember what I did today. My head hurts a LOT. :P I think I added mousiepoo and Sexy 007. Maybe someone else too. Oh, and I updated Marci's profile. :)
01/08/1999 --
Added jooge's name to that thar beeg list o' people. She's pretty darn rad. Also updated winepress's profile.
Also! The message board got taken down today! Yay! :D
01/07/1999 --
Fixed Liz's profile. Yes, I'm just typing something in here everyday cos I'm bored. :P
01/06/1999 --
Added yvette and kalhyp.
01/04/1999 --
Updated leahlocks, hamilet, and nikki's profile and added eimile and KrazyChik to the list of supreme chattiness.
01/03/1999 -- (note that we are Y2K compliant. Yay.)
Updated zee profiles of melissa (a_s), tiffini, and sara p. and put up those of Adrienne, aKo, and melody.
Also added this here What's New page, fixed a few of the alphabetization problems, updated the entries on the gum display mystery page, and spelled the last TOO correctly in Marci's profile. I had some toast this morning, too.
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