
Name: Leigh (aka Leigh-by Mae Brown, the Guffman obsessor)
Age: 16, but i'll be a whopping 17 on january 18... feel free to send me cards, presents, chocolate chip cookies, and the like
Location: montclair, NJ (this yucky yuppie town in suburban new joysey)
e-mail addy: calldoctor@aol.com
homepage: What do you do with a rebel who's shy? & Girl Drummers Page
Other Pics: Pic 2

c'est moi. je suis... eh, forget it. i never excelled in french. so anyways, i'm a junior in high skool who's absolutely aching to graduate cuz high skool is such a yucky place where you're forced to learn stuff like TRIGONOMETRY or CHEMISTRY that you'll never ever use in the future. like, ever. and so i have two favorite things in the entire world: music and snowboarding. its almost winter, which means that soon enough i'll be able to take out my baby... err, my board and go riding. yum. and music is pretty much my life. i absolutely adore longstocking (i do a really bad longsox page located at http://www.oocities.org/Pipeline/3221/longstocking.html), and i also love sleater-kinney, team dresch, the third sex, the butchies, heavens to betsy, the murmurs, the lookers, and all that good schtuff. i also have fetishes for bright sunglasses, chocolate chips cookies (if you ever wanted to totally woo me, cookies are the way to go), electrician suits, parker posey, and janeane garafalo. i also have a bit of an obsession with the movie Waiting for Guffman. go see it. its the funniest thing ever. CORRRKKKYYY! oh, and i like girls. heh.