
Name: Karyn
Age: 18
Location: Russellville, Arkansas
Homepage: none yet
Other Pics: 2, 3, 4, 5

profile from Gaby

KIT !!!! Say it out loud, I wanna hear you !!! KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT !!!!! That girl makes you wanna scream and shout !!!! Oh dear... she's just so FUNNY !!!!! She's the queen of mud-wrestling, first thing. There have been many epic fights in da Chainsaw pit and man, she won them all without even trying ! She's the queen of BURPING. Ok ok, she has a trick, she drinks coke without breathing. That helps, ever tried it ? You should :) She makes rad zines, she also makes rad packages, rad tapes. Oh by the way, it reads rad but it's spelled K-I-T ok ? Just thought I'd make myself clear on this one... she's a very scary general, she won wars, man... if my killer bunnies were still here, they'd be telling ya tha same thang... *sob* She lives in Arkansas and she seems to like it *shrug* oh well, nevermind... Chat with her !!! Never miss one single occasion !! But most of all, she's a great dear friend. She'll always be there for you if ya need some help. Well ya know... she'll listen to your ramble and give you advices, cyber-hugs, that kind of things... Hey, it's not much at all but it can help right ?. Sometimes all you need is a friendly ear right ? Kit offers that and more, you won't even have to ask. I thank her for that. And for the rest. We love you Karyn :)