
Name: Kerkyra
Age: 18
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Hi, I'm Kerkyra. I live in Pittsburgh now, since I'm attending Chatham College, I visit family and friends in Portland during the holidays. Feel free to email me anytime, I love to get email! Things I like: velvet, girls, music, computers, photography, movies, spiders, silver, artists, soft stuff, rainbows, stars, satin, vinyl, school, skiing, "Lost Souls", "Annie On My Mind", big cities, soft beds, good food, intelligent conversations, love, beauty, specialness, "All Over Me", "Foxfire", Tori Amos, The Murmurs, Sarah McLachlan, Sleater Kinney, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Kaia, The Third Sex, Bikini Kill, 17 Reasons Why, Fairuza Balk, Angelina Jolie, open-minded people, Madonna, Mia Kirshner, kissing!!!, some tattoos, some piercings, some boys........
Things I don't like: mean people, dumb people, loud babies, being forced into anything, guilt, love, and lonliness.