Junior Panther

Name: Sascha
Location: Böblingen, southwestern Germany
Email: sv228@aol.com
Homepage: http://www.heartcorerecords.com

let's see what i can tell you about me.... i'm 19, i live in germany, i'm queer, blah. soonish you'll find a pic here where you can see me and my cute bratty dyke friend viki, she is the raddest girl i know - we met at a sleater-kinney gig way back in rocktober 97, and now we hang out together all the time, we scare the squares, we jam around (she's the guitarist and i'm the drummer), we formed a queerskater-troop in this area we live in, we listen to riot grrrl stuff and start dancing, we live delinquent queercore lives.
i do a zine called Outlaw Kontingent, but you can only read it if you speak german, but i'm also writing an english one called My Heart Goes Pitter-Patter which is just about my lovelife and romance and the boy i heart... that's out in summer or so.
i got into punk via bikini kill and the whole riot grrrl movement, quite unusual for a boy, but the whole scene means more to me than any other music ever could; i am obsessed with the huggy bear gang for several years now, some other bands i really like are red monkey, the early sleater-kinney, petty crime, cheesecake, team dresch, heavens to betsy, milky wimpshake, small black pig; my fave labels are the slampt underground organisation, chainsaw, villa villakula, kill rock stars, girlie, outpunk, and thunderbaby; other things i heart are coloured vinyl, sanrio, my skateboard, playing drums, reading, health food stores.
my boifriend and me started this brand nu queer run record label called x Heartcore x recently, we focus on girlgangs, girl-boi-troops and queerboi revolutionaries, so if you are in such a band, please get in touch. we have big plans for the future and a couple of amazing upcoming releases, so check our website regulary, okay?
oh yeah and please don't assume that living in germany is that funny or even amazing. i know it could be worse, and there are truly great ppl and places here but you have no clue how racist and dumb this country in fact is, especially if yer originally slavish/southeastern-european and not "aryan".

anyway. make sure you listen to the phantom pregnacies every day, send me all the cool vegan recipes you know about, stop pure consumption and start creating things (music, zines, whatever), and fuck their rules.

muchluv goes out to my cuddlebunny who is the bestest hubby on earth. i heart you sweetie xoxo