Name: Gemma
Location: delta, bc canada
Homepage: GERMSY
Other Pics: pic 2, pic 3, pic 4, pic 5

i am going to let it loose, be more self indulgent then anyone ever thought possible. *all the reasons why you should like me*, by gemma. im gemma and i write a zine called spritely. i have a thing for melissa york, i like people that make faces and giggle alot. i have these shiny blue shoes that always make people smile, i like to wear skirts nearly always. i beleive that lik m stix are the best food possible, besides bagels and diet coke. i'm very sappy i love my cat and i want to have a bubble bath with YOU. i made up a song about melissa, i made up a song about donna with my friend. if you were in the bathtub with me i would probably play you the tape. i cut bangs, my bangs are crooked, i pierced my ears again, their crooked too. they match my crooked nose that got bent when i fell off a barstool when i was four, i tell no lies. if you are a chainsaw chatter, yr probably a nice person, if you visited me i would give you a cheesy suveneer.. did i mention i was CANADIAN?? whats not to love? my sister even worked with a boy from degrassi. xoxo gemma