Flower Child
Name: Rebecca Crockett
Email: Crocketts_Cabin@Compuserve.com
Homepage: the Queer Spotting Site, - Flower Child's Comic Art Nook
Other Pics: Pic 2, , Pic numba 3

And now for my Queerific blurb

She slices, she dices, she even . . . cartoons? Yes this college student, stuck in Huber-tucy, finds her escape through her web pages and comics. But don't let that sweet-I'm-so-innocent-buy-my-girl-scout-cookies look fool you, she is ever bit a queer as the ones spotted on her web page.
When she is not conquring the world, she also enjoys 'trying' to play the gitar and pretending to be a super hero. You know the ones that lead a 'charmed' life. During one period of her life she would shut the nasty mean people out by shutting here eyes and humming to herself. This worked until she could not stand herself any more.
At work, Becca loves to play with customers minds by doing cruel things like putting pepper in the salt shaker or adding too much ice in their drinks. That is, when she not too busy sexually harassing her manager. As you can see, Becca thinks she is a Goddess and all things that she does are considered holy and right. And if you are stupid enought to tick her off, nothing short of hell's snow day will save you from her wrath, that or a cookie.