
name: jenna
location: oregon
homepage: nope.

uhm, lemme see... I like meeting new souls and i luff being around great friends and i'm constantly, monogamously crushing over someone. I also happen to like honesty and being nice. I'm str8-friendly. I have a huge fascination wif eyes and i'm proud of my dahwk blues. I'm 5'9", y'know. Religion sucks. I'm told i read too much, and that i write wayyy too much, but i don't let that get to me. I love toxically-strong cawfee but only if it's served with a dollop of rilly good, rilly deep conversation. Loveletters kick ass. So does kissing gurls. I like zines and great music and meaningful flix. I only wear thong underwear and men's Calvin Kleins. I smoke ShwishaShweets on Thursdays and special occasions. My birfday is 08jan77ness, and if you wanna know how old i am, do the math, baby. Live theatre rawks. As does volunteer-work. One of my faybrit things are rooftop conversations. I have three self-done tattoos, and i pierced my own nostril, but the tongue and tragus piercings were done professionally. I'm vegetarian and partly vegan. Mostly feminist. 100% dyke. And a grump when i feel like it. I like having a few close friends i can depend on. I don't trust people much but i'm highly trustworthy. And i keep seeing glimpses of the gurl of my dreams, but i don't think i've found her yet. But looky here, if you see her, let me know, n'kay? ;) ~Carpe diem, sweetie~