Chaos Chic

Name: Sabrina
Location: Milwaukee, Wi
Email: ~ ~
Homepage: N/A

Birthday ~ August 5, 198?
Sex ~ Chic
Martial status ~ Single
School ~ OLQP
What I always say ~ Peachy ~ Kinky ~ Ducky ~ Spiffy ~ Jiffy ~ Spunky ~ funky ~ kewl beanz ~ Aren't you special ~ Obviously you aren't the brightest crayon in the box ~

I am just chaos pure flippin chaos. I <3 Guyz! =) I like to Create total and utter chaos where ever I go ~ talk on the telephone ~ surf the net ~ chill with my peepz ~ play sportz ~ watch sportz ~ go to the movies ~ kick ass ~ do stuff with peepz ~ Guyz, Boyz, Men how could you hate them? They do the cutest, stupidest stuff! The guyz I <3 now are Dan, CHAD, Luke, Kal, Nathan, Ceasar, and Jeff!!!!!