
Name: sarah
Age: 16
alternate handle: geeze louize
Location: beaufort, sc
email: fjsmwuttke@islc.net
i don't have a home page.
Other Pics: Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6

.... i love kitties. i love my mom. i love getting e-mail. i love to read. my favorite band is tribe 8. i don't have a favorite color. i consider myself a byke. i have a mouse named Moo Cow Skunky Mouse & 2 kitties named Sam & Vikki. i love James. he & i used to have a baby kitty named Soda Pop but he wasn't neutered so he ran away to find a mate, i guess :( i love art class. next year i will be taking an art history class, which i am kind of excited about. i like to be topless. i hate hot weather. i want to move up north where it's cold. i like marijuanna but other drugs suck hard. i will never drink, cuz my pops does & he's an asshole. i hate the computer but i am addicted to the chainsaw message board. i hate driving. i want to be vegan, but i'm working on vegitarianism 1st. i was veg for 1 year but i quit cuz 1) i was 14 & weighed 90 something lbs. 2) mcdonalds hamburgers kept tempting me & 3) my mom said i could get my ears pierced if i would eat meat. if there is anything else you could possibly want to know about me then send me mail. bi.