(sometimes buttercup)

Name: amy s.
Age: 18
Location: virginia, sometimes delaware
Email: akostar@udel.edu
Homepage: the *princessed* homepage
Other Pics:

hi, my name is amy. im 18 and go to univeristy of delaware to study art and mostly photography. i play drums for two bands, *PRINCESSED* (is my main band, we've been together for about 3 years...all girl band...check out tha page) and the friend catcher (with three boys). i like ice cream, hugs, vanilla, and my favourite season is autumn. try to catch me on IMer (aKo staR) or occasionally aol (eggiweg grl) and if you live in delaware, write me so we can talk about punk rock type things. oh yeh, i look like buttercup from powerpuff girls (minus green eyes) and my favourite bands are QuaSi, the Need, and estroJet.