Kaia's Freak
[Me and the secret sewing fag]
Name: Carly
Age: electroencephalogram
Location: Illinois, the funnest state on earth, right after epileptic shock
Email: athenaz@oocities.com
Homepage: FREAKY
Other Pics: Yeah okay... pic 1, pic 2

hey look I'm drinking a slurpee and wearing a cardigan sweater vest. Who could ask for anything more?

Allrighty, this hasn't been updated in a hell of a long time. Why mess with a good thing right? Well that's what I'm gonna do. Let's see. I'm helping out with this page now. And it's much fun, and I love being a member of the crazy family. IT's the best. I'm really excited about Ellen having SEX. My new favorite word is crazy. Thanks Leslie. I think Cypher In The Snow is about the best thing since polaroids of my dog. I found a Get Along Gang tape at a thrift store and I'm thrilled. Yeay. Oh yeah, pumpkin cheesecake kicks ass.

da old school scoop:

Favorite things include: looking out the window, biting finger nails, listening to music hanging upside down from a blue shelf, playing her guitar while pretending she's hibernating, creating the perfect toothpaste, and many more.

In her spare time, she plays with wolves and oxen at the zoo. The highlight of the time she has spent with them, was when they performed Dorothy Parker's "The Coast Of Illyria" to a large audience of water fowl.

yep there you go...