Name: Emily "The Greek Hawaiian"
Age: 19
Location: Concord, California
Email: soupgoddess@hotmail.com
Homepage: SOUPY
Other Pics: pic 2, pic 3, pic 4, pic 5, pic 6

jay_leno_loves_sk: (Fri Mar 20, 3:41am PST)
once, there was a little bear

jay_leno_loves_sk: (Fri Mar 20, 3:42am PST)
he was a traveller of sorts, making his way across the world clinging to peoples shoelaces.

jay_leno_loves_sk: (Fri Mar 20, 3:44am PST)
no one ever noticed him on account of him being such a little little bear.
but he didnt mind. he was a happy little bear.
the world was his oyster and the shoes were his home.

jay_leno_loves_sk: (Fri Mar 20, 3:47am PST)
theres lots more to this story, but no one here to listen!
but for those who see this, just remember....
everytime you find your shoelace untied....just remember, you just gave the little bear a ride :)