Okay, this is my first tab and I've only been playing for 
about three months, so please forgive any and all 
mistakes.  I'm sure there will be enough to go around.

the Cranberries

	The only place I've found this song is on the Linger 
single CD.  It's really pretty and fairly simple, hence my 
ability to play it.

The main riff that's repeated through most of the song 
goes like this:



I think it's in 4/4, but I could be wrong

Don't 				Bm
listen to what they say	D
make up your mind		?
walk away				D

don't even 			Bm
give them the time of day	D
they put you wrong		?
turn away				D

so why				Bm
do they all just walk away?	D
there was something wrong	?
they didn't want to stay	D

why...						Bm	
did they listen to someone else?		D
I did something wrong				?
*Um, I have no idea waht this line is*	D

that attitude					This part is a 
they all got that attitide			little different.
that attitude					It's a rough
they all got that ah-....			electric sound

listen to what they say	Same old riff
make up your mind
walk away

Won't 				"		"
ever happene again
they've all gone wrong
gone insane (?)

that's why				"		"
they all just walked away
there was nothing wrong
they didn't want to stay

that's why				"		"
they listened to someone else
I did nothing wrong
nothing... *Again, I just don't know*

That's why...			"		"
That's why...
That's why...
That's why...

If you haven't heard the song you probably won't get it 
out of this since I don't know what I'm doing, but maybe 
it'll lead to something cool.  What, I don't know.

Another little tidbit comes from the dreams CD single.  
The song What You Were is all Am --> Em and back.

I hope this is some kind of help to someone

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