"Everybody to the limit - the Cheet is to the limit..."

Child's Play CHILD'S PLAY - Frustrated with widespread misconceptions about gamers, the guys at Penny Arcade rallied their readers and started a charity to provide hospitals with toys for sick kids. Now in its fourth year, the charity is back with more hospitals and loftier goals than ever. Check out their website for more info and to make a donation to one of the hospitals. "Let's give these kids the Christmas that they deserve and let's give the news papers a different kind of story to write about gamers."

Meg MEG - my best friend and computer scientist with a flare for journalism (can you tell?)... the site that's themed like the newspaper and just as interesting... check for updates on their adventures in Beijing!
Big E ERICA - we met when Trinity assigned us as roommates and have been inseperable ever since. Keep up with her adventures en route to a Psych PhD in New Mexico.
Rick RICK - my big bro and (used to be) pretty faithful about updating his site... journal, photos, and other fun stuff...
Richie RICHIE - a punk, but a good friend... except for the fact that I don't see him that often and he's never been to visit... a big music fan and excellent designer...
Jen JEN - she's rad, but spastic when it comes to websites - this could be personal, about 311, or downright empty, depending on the day and her mood...

Penny Arcade PENNY ARCADE - my favorite web comic out there - the strips are hilarious, the news is funny, and look for me sporting a cardboard tube samurai t-shirt in the not too distant future...
Something Positive SOMETHING POSITIVE - a comic by a cynic who grew up in Texas... chu chu bear is the best part....
Mac Hall MAC HALL - looks really good and it's fun, too

Exploding Dog EXPLODING DOG - you supply the caption, he draws the picture...
StrongBad STRONG BAD EMAIL - quite possibly the best reason to own a computer and a broadband connection ... lots of fun stuff (you have to hunt though) - look for the "to the limit" music video...

Corb CORBIN'S LAB - I rotated with Corbin in the summer of 2005 and had a blast learning about bioinformatics, evolution, and how to code Perl. We still kick it from time to time - his lab is awesome, plus they let me come up to read papers when things get crazy...
Jonesey's Lab ALAN'S LAB - The other Jones, and the home of my Ph.D. research. Plus I update the website, so here it is.
Yahoo MY YAHOO - because it's MINE, not yours...
Popcap Games POP CAP - creators of such shockwave games as insaneaquarium and bejeweled - they keep me entertained for hours on end...
Acts of Gord ACTS OF GORD - if you've ever worked retail, this one's a must - a guy in Canada owns a video game store. Hilarity ensues.
Cockeyed COCKEYED - science projects, pranks, and other random things - how can you go wrong?
Punk Voter PUNK VOTER - Fat Mike's getting punks involved in politics...

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