Record Reviews

The Orange Beauties: relax with... 6-song CD (I like 4 songs)
(DD) There's a song on this cd called "cemetary white," that makes Velvet Underground and Lou Reed fans do a double-take. The rest of the stuff sounds sort of like the Austin-based indie-pop band Silver Scooter. You can tell that these guys really like VU and Pavement with the way some of their songs sound. The vocals are a little bit muffled on purpose which sometimes gets annoying but gives it a non-wimpy sound. This isn't a bad cd but I think that this band is capable of putting out better stuff in the future.
-Washroom Recordings-.

The Woggles: fractured 14-song CD (I like 10 songs)
(GY) When I first heard this cd, I thought it was just alright. But then I saw them live and after that experience, I had a greater appreciation for it. This is very good 60s-style rock and roll sort of like a heavier Love. Most of the songs are good but some fall flat. Songs like "C'mon and Swim" and "Doin' the Montague" are good songs when done live, but really don't sound that great recorded. Pretty decent cd but not as good as "get tough" or "wailin' with the woggles.
-Telstar Records-

The Mr. T Experience: the miracl of shame 5-song CD EP (I like 1 song)
(MH) Well the truth is, I like all five songs fractionally so that when you add up the total of how much I like each song, it'll come out to about 1 song. Now I know I'm in the minority here but I actually like the new Mr. T Experience sound...a very clean and poppy sound...but the songs just aren't good enough. I don't really know the background of this EP but the songs sound like throw-away songs from their last full length, "alcatraz." Clever song titles, but the songs just aren't there. Joel's not playing bass on this cd ep either.
-Lookout Records-

7 Seconds: scream real loud LIVE 26-song CD
(DS) I'm sort of biased about this cd because I can't really get into live albums. I just don't see a real point to them and I think that all live albums regardless of how many songs are on it, should be sold at a cheaper price than studio cds because they hardly put any effort in the production that it's a ripoff. Basically, if you like 7 Seconds and you like their live set, then I guess you'll like this because...that's what this is. Nothing too special.
-Side One Dummy Records-.

The Reds: s/t 14-song CD (I like ALL 14 songs)
(WB) I still think it's kind of weird seeing the Ripoff Records name on a CD! But you know what, it's one of those things that's easy to get over -- especially with this cd. This is one of those cds that you put in and let play. There's no need to skip any songs at all and listening to just one song isn't going to do it for you. Start to finish this is consistent, raw, trashy, punk-rock-and-roll. Oh and they're a great band to see live too! There are 14 songs, broken down into 13 originals and 1 cover. It's very good especially if you like the other stuff that Ripoff puts out or if you simply like trashy and raw stuff like The Stooges, The Pagans, and whatnot. The guitars could sound a tad dirtier but that's a miniscule complaint.
-Ripoff Records-
