
We record all the time, but every once and a while we compile stuff and put something out.

lum says winnierocksmyworld

goodbye penny robinson" oct. '94

This was recorded in the summer of 94 when we were a 2-piece (jason & ed). 23 songs recorded entirely on 4-track. Limited run of 200 tapes.

The "hello winnie" tape april '96

This was a freebee tape. It was made of unrealeased songs, different versions, new songs and other junk. We found a ton of crap-o-rific woolco tapes for real cheap, so we dubbed 'em and gave 'em out. limited run of 120..

"harper's woods" june '96


Wowee! Our first ceedee! We were going to put out a 7", but we had a bunch of songs we wanted to put out, so we did a cd instead. 13 songs recorded on 8 track, at home. A huge whopping run of 1000. We still have some left.....

Ed also put out a solo tape under the name "girlfriend". Hopefully we'll have a picture of the tape soon.
