Lets go ...

When I found out that they had to move this party to FX, I must admit I was a little dissapointed. With my expectations slightly lowered we lined up around 10. We got in, most likely around three hours later. I can honestly say it was well worth the wait! It was crowded and hot, but the music, vibe and decorations were all amazing! I met so many new friends, saw so many old friends and generally had a really good time.

Thanks to all involved in the party, Mario and Healthe Productions, thanks! You have made me a believer! Apparantly massives can be great parties too! A big thanks should also go to Joe, Hasan, Alex the Happy Raver, steve, amy, the crew from vancouver, nathan, sunshine, patrick and the crew from portland (I had a great time at breakfast!), those two girls in line who kept us company and gave many hugz, amy (with the funky hat), danielle (sorry I couldn't give you the balloons!), and finally anyone else who came to the party!

A word of warning ... there are 49 pictures here ... well worth the time in my opinion.

Click on thumbnail to view a larger version!
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