Terry's Story:

I meet Keith at the Tower theater in Philly back in 93. My good friend Randy was then a DJ at WYSP, so he hooked me up with a meet and greet pass. After the show they would usher people to the front of the stage in groups of 3 or 4, telling them no to ask for autographs, but they'd be taking some pictures. Well when I got up there, it was me Randy and his wife, a promoter Johnny B. Randy introduced me as a local singer/songwritter.So when I was introduced I shook his hand and said Keith, I'm just a big fan not one of these record company or radio people, Keith said, "yeah man, we need more cats like you around" he noticed I was smoking a Dunhill cigarette said "cool, can I get a light man" I said sure.

Later that evening we all went to an after the show party at the North Star Bar, and I had the opportunity to speak to him again. I was a little drunk, and I believe he was too. So I told him I recently had a dream about him and Koko Taylor doing a cover version of Willie Dixion's song Insane Asylum. He said "cool man" I really didn't have that dream but I though it was a great idea, and would be a perfect song for him to cover.

About a month later the picture that was taking at the Tower THEATRE was in Billboard Magazine, but unfortunately I was cropped out except for the corner of my leather jacket. But I do have a copy of the original photo with me standing next to Keith smoking a cigarette proudly hang on my wall.

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