Kim's Story:

click link at the bottom of this page to go to concertphots.comHi, don't think I'm crazy, but I happen to think that Keith Richards is the sexiest man alive............forget what "PEOPLE" magazine says, he's tops with me! I've been a Stones fan ever since the Tatoo You concert. I was only fourteen at the time. My friend Nancy and I screamed out Keith's name ..........FOR A SOLID 3 HOURS!. during that 1981 show in Detroit.I thought , hey this little crush with go away one day.......well almost TWENTY! years later , FOURTEEN! concerts , thousands of dollars spent on anything to do with Keith and the stones..........all it takes is just to have his face on something,and it's mine! I guess one could say that I'm a bit obsessive............but it paid off in the long run. On Dec. 8th, 1988, Keith came into town with the" Expensive Winos " tour. They played at the Fox Theater in Detroit, and of course I was in the front row. I had the best opportunity to get up on stage................and snatched it!!! My shoe flung off into the crowd as I was thrown onto the stage. I knew I had to act fast, so I literally jumped into the arms of my idol.....................I was in shock! I planted a big ,wet one right on the lips..........for about two minutes. I didn't want to let him go ...I couldn't. He was so cool about it . I can still remember what he said..........sorry that's my secret,.The look on his face, the smell of cigarettes in his hair and clothes..........he had on more make up then I did! The second show, in 92' I was able to kiss his scull ring, and when the Stones played in 94"' .................Keith, I believe remembered me ,.......bent down from the stage and personaly handed me his guitar pick. I love the man, always will. His talents, immortality, and above all his charm has captured my heart forever...........Keith, if you get this message, write me sometime ...........I'll be waiting...............

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