
Here are some tools and Nirvana computer stuff!

About A Girl tabs for BASIC
The Nivana Bass Tab zipped
Cool Edit 95 for Win 95 WAV, AU, and some other formats player/editor
Cool Edit 1.53 for Win 3.1x
ScreenPix Makes screen savers from your pictures. Thanx Greg!
EZViewerExcellent image handler Thanx Greg
Quicktime for Win 95 for MOV files
Quicktime for Win 3.1x
MPEG Player for MPEG files
Win Amp 1.45 for MP3 files.
Another MPEG player
RealAudio Player 3.0 Beta 2
RealAudio Encoder 3.0 Beta 2
RealAudio Player 2.0
RealAudio Player for RA and RAM files
Real Audio Encoder from a Seattle server. To make your own Real Audio files.
WinPlay 3.14 Good MPEG player
Sound Gadget Pro
Winzip 6.2 for Win 95 (ftp)
(0,135 MB)Wham Player for Wav and AU files
(0,199 MB)MidiGate for MIDI files
(1,398 MB)Video for Windows for AVI files
(0,590 MB)PKUnzip to unzip ZIP files
Vivoactive To play the Vivoactive movie files!
The Nirvana Font
Nirvana Doom 1 and 2 WAD #1
Nirvana Doom 1 and 2 WAD #2
Nirvana Collage
Nirvana Icons
Nirvana Theme for Win95 #1
Nirvana Theme for Win95 #2
WinAmp v. 1.45 self extracting .exe for MP3 files

One baby to another said...