Before Nirvana

Kurt Cobain and Krist (then Chris) Novoselic met in 1985 and formed Fecal Matter, whom may have some demo tapes floating around. After their first drummer left (Aaron Burkhart), two unknown drummers and temporary Dale Crover of the Melvins took the spot for a couple months before Chad Channing took the drums. They hired guitarist Jason Everman to do live work (although he is listed on the Bleach credits, he had no contribution in making the record), but he soon left to join Soundgarden. Soon Chad Channing left, leaving the drummer spot open to temporaries Dan Peters of Mudhoney and Dale Crover. They soon hired Dave Grohl of the Scream, and switched labels from Sub Pop to DGC (Geffen).

There have been 2 other bands called Nirvana, one was a group from the early sixties who had one minor hit, and the other is a Christian band from the early 80's who tried to sue them.

Band Name       Who was in it/what did he play 
=========       ============================== 
Fecal Matter    Kurt Cobain   - Guitar/Vocals
		Dale Crover   - Bass Guitar
		Greg Hokanson - Drums
		Mike Dillard  - Drums

Brown Cow       Buzz Osborne  - Bass Guitar   
 		Dale Crover   - Drums            
                Kurt Cobain   - Guitar/Vocals

Stiff Woodies   Krist         - Vocals
                Various Guitar and Bass
		Kurt          - Drums

The Sellouts    Steve Newman - Bass Guitar    
  		Kurt Cobain  - Drums
		Krist        - Guitar/Vocals

Skid Row        Aaron Burckhard - Drums                  
 		Kurt            - Guitar	
                Krist		- Bass Guitar    
Ted Ed Fred     }
Bliss           }
Throat Oyster   }Same as Skid Row
Pen Cap Chew    }
Windowpane      }

Nirvana  1      Kurt, Krist, Aaron Burckhard - Drums
	 2      Kurt, Krist, Dave Foster     - Drums 
	 3	Kurt, Krist, Chad Channing   - Drums 
	        1986 - 1990 (Bleach)        
	 4      Kurt, Krist, Jason Everman   - Guitar
		1989 (Bleach)	 
	 5      Danny Peters    - Drum 
		1990?(one gig)          
	 6      Dave Grohl      - Drums 
		1990 - (Nevermind and In Utero)       
	 7      John Duncan     - Guitar 
	        1993 (In Utero tour)     
	 8      Pat Smear       - Guitar
                1993 - (In Untero tour)

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One baby to another said...