"The Wizard Of Oz" / Pink Floyd / Strangers connection

You may have heard by now about how Pink Floyd's "Dark Side Of the Moon" cd plays along in
near-perfect sync with the film classic "The Wizard Of Oz". If not, here's how it works:
As the black and white lion roars for the third time before the movie begins, start the cd,
mute the TV, kick back and watch.

You'll be amazed at the coincidences!!!

The best part is the extremely surreal "Great Gig in the Sky" playing against the tornado scene.
Your jaw will be on the floor!

You will be disappointed as the cd ends with a heartbeat as Dorothy is beating on the Tin Man's
chest, because the movie is only halfway over.

FRET NO MORE!! You'll have about 7 1/2 minutes to get up, stretch, and replace the cd with STRANGERS!!!

You guessed it! Their "End Of the Rainbow" cd!! Cue this one up right after Dorothy slaps the
Cowardly Lion on the nose...he says, "What did you do that for? I didnt BITE him"!

Push play on the word "BITE". The cd plays to the end of the film flawlessly!


If you are a fan of "The Wizard Of Oz", Rock-N-Roll, and the extremely BIZARRE, you've got to try this!! You'll love it!

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