Diary entries for 2002

UPDATE 6/3/2002

I've been getting a few emails wondering if I am OK now. So lets catch all of you up. Much has happened in the last year... Hockey has certainly been a big help for me in keeping my perspective and sanity. In September I did meet my goal of playing on an organized team. We finished the fall season in dead last. To many first time players and everyone wanting to skate as an individual rather than a team. Then a really cool thing happened for the spring hockey league. Another team called me asked me to play for them! So I did and for awhile we were tied for first place. Then we started playing some poor games and bad ref calls have hurt us. But none the less, this team is a lot of fun to play for. Now for the really BIG news.... I met a guy last fall on an internet dating site.. My nail tech pointed me there. We started dating and things were getting a little serious... So I told him about me.. He had no idea the whole time. They way I told him made all the difference. He just held my hand and afterwards said "I love you, it makes no difference to me, you are a woman!" How wonderful... Anyway we kept on dating and in March of 2002 he proposed to me and gave me a very nice ring. We plan to be married in July of this year. We also bought a brand new house and I am very busy taking care of that.. Yup, still no job... After the 9/11 stuff (my heart goes out to all that were affected by that horrible day) the job market just kind of went away! I am still looking but not to hard yet.

Update 12/31/2002

Well the year passed by so quickly and so many things have happened. I did get married in June.. We had planned to get married in the Virgin Islands and that would have been so cool. It was getting to expensive and not working out.. So we opted to get married in Las Vegas. It allowed one of my best friends to be the matron of honor. That was really special.. The other thing.. My husband to be did not have anyone that would travel to Las Vegas so the best man was a high school friend of mine.. That was so wonderful. As always.. Be careful what you wish for.. Marriage is a lot of work and sometimes has not been what I hoped it would be. Christmas was not much this year. We owed to much money and just did not put me in the holiday spirit much. I always watch a special movie to me on Christmas eve... But I didn't for the first time in many many years. I finally relented and let my mother come out and we fixed Christmas dinner.. But that was the only thing.. The other.. I quit smoking... After a few years I was feeling the effects of smoking and it was just plain getting to expensive. The house and laundry keep me very busy. Also I am playing ice hockey, so that keeps me rather busy. Oh on another note about the wedding.... When we went to look at the pictures from the wedding.. I started looking at them and by the time we were done, I was crying because they were so bad.. So, we re-rented the tuxes and had the best man fly up to Portland, repurchased the flowers and hired a photographer to re-shoot the wedding. This time the pictures turned out really well. But that cost quite a bit to redo. Well that pretty much wraps up 2002.. Hopefully 2003 will bring better times for all and that the economy will pick up.