Diary entries from 1999

Update 1/10/99

Happy New Year! Wow only 11 months to the new millennium and it will be this year that I truly become a woman. I did my first Glamour shot in December and it went very well. Also my divorce was final as of December 20th 1998 so I'm a single girl now. I'm still very good friends with my ex and I will always value my friendship with her. I travelled out to Wichita Kansas for Christmas and New Years with my birth family. It was very special and a chance to get better acquainted with my mother and sisters. The sister just above me in age is a hairstylist and did my hair while I was there. It turned out very nice. Many things have happened during the last year and this year is looking like a busy year full of changes as well. My surgery is coming up fast, less than a month. I hope to write again soon!

Update 4/8/99

Well it has been a long time since I updated my page and much has gone on. I went through SRS on Feb 5th 1999 in Portland Oregon with Dr. Toby Meltzer. It went very well. I was awake after the surgery. I drifted in and out of it, but when I was awake I was talking on the phone and to people in my room. I didn't stay in the hospital for the entire 10 days like some girls do. I left after the 4th day and went to stay with some very good friends. On Friday after my surgery there were not very many flowers, but by Saturday afternoon my whole room was full of flowers it was so cool. Even work sent me a basket of plants that I still have. I stayed with my friends for about 10 days, they were so kind to let me stay with them. I love them both for what they did for me and I only hope that I can return the favor for them someday. They are my best friends. I went back to work on March 1st and it was hard at first, I would get tired before the end of the day. But work was great and noticed that I was tired and would send me home to rest. They sent me a card that was signed by a lot of people at work. Some very nice things were said to me. I have one more surgery in about 5 weeks. The labiaplasty, that should go really well since it is just day surgery and done in Dr. Meltzer's office. I do have to say that they really take care of their post ops. I developed an infection and the nurses called me every day to see how I was doing. Both Sue and Lindsay are really great and so is Shannon, Dr. Meltzers patient coordinator. I've made some new friends and met a few TS's while in the hospital. They were all really nice to meet. It is very nice to be a woman now. Each day is so fun, I've suffered with some depression, but that seems to have gone away for the most part.

Update 10/5/99

Well I kind of lost my software that I use to update my page, but finally decided to reload it. I enjoy working on my page and I get some really nice notes from people who have read my page! Thank you! I ended up going through the labiaplasty on May 12th. I had a complication, I developed a hematoma on one side of the labia. So on Sep 8th I had to redo the labiaplasty, I healed up nicely this time. I've found some people at work that are not that friendly to me, but things all in all are going great. I'm dating a little and having fun. The guys treat me well for the most part. I took up whitewater rafting this summer and really love it. So I will be doing more of that next summer. I love being a woman, guys open doors and are real gentlemen sometimes.