Duff's Pit of Despair

A Collection of Depressing Songs and Poems

This page is designed by me and is dedicated to making you depressed. I must warn you that this stuff is pretty sad. All of the songs and poems here have been copyrighted by the Basil Thrull copyright corporation 1994

This is a song that was written by a few friends of mine and I thought it was pretty sad. It is currently being preformed by a band by the name of Tomorrow Never Comes. You won't find any albums by them anywhere because they're unsigned.

This song is really sad, especially because I wrote it. It is currently being preformed by Dark Manifest. There is a link to their page at the bottom of the song.
Sweet Oblivion

Here is a poem a friend of mine wrote when he was depressed. Even though it is fairly short it still depressed me.
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