Chapter 2
Star Trek: The Savage Generation

Colby heard the shot from across the street.

"Darren!" she cried. She dropped Obi's leash and ran across the street. As she approached the door she saw Darren fall backwards. A strange man tore out of the store and into a nearby car. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Darren lying on the ground. She reached him at the same time Sam did, and he assured her that help was on the way.

"Colby" Darren whispered, weak from the gunshot. A pool of blood had already started to form. Colby took her windbreaker and put it over the wound, trying her best to contain the bleeding. His body had started to shake violently.

"Darren!" Colby cried, "DARREN! Don't leave me now! Hang on, hang on! Help is coming."

"Colby - I love you". Darren's eyes closed as he slipped into unconciousness, his last sight being that of Colby looking down on him.

* * * * *

"Darren, Darren, come on, wake up" Colby was saying softly. Daniel was with her - he had come as soon as he had been beamed up.

"Come on, Daz" Daniel added "time to wake up!"

Darren regained conciousness before he opened his eyes. His whole body felt numb; a dull pain greeted him in the shoulder. He opened his eyes to almost the same picture he had closed them to - a concerned Colby. She smiled when she realized that Darren was awake, and glanced up at Daniel to make sure he had realized too.

"Well, Lieutenant, that was a nasty phaser hit you took" Dr Crusher's voice rang out. "You're lucky that the phaser wasn't at full power or you wouldn't be here right now."

"Thanks Doc" Darren managed to muster, he tried to move his head and found it quite difficult.

"I've got you pumped full of neuro-tranquilizers - the pain in your shoulder shouldn't be too bothersome but you won't be able to feel much in the rest of your body. The feeling will pass soon, and I expect a full recovery within a couple of days" Dr. Crusher smiled, and then left leaving Darren alone with Colby and Daniel.

"What happened?" Darren asked. His mind was clearing and becoming more alert, and he began to take in his surroundings.

"Well, I don't know all the details" Colby began, "but you were on the away mission to Neith when the Neithians decided to attack. You were shot in the shoulder, and have been unconcious ever since.

"How long was I out?" Darren asked.

"The accident happened yesterday morning. Daniel and the band beamed up this morning." Darren struggled to sit up a bit, and looked over at Daniel.

"Hey Jonesy - how have you been?"

"Pretty good. I'm relieved that you're going to be okay. Savage Garden wouldn't be the same without you!" Daniel smiled, and then added "Actually, speaking of Savage Garden, the rest of the band doesn't know that you're okay, so I'd better go fill them in. I'll come see you a little later, okay?"

"Sure. Leave me in my time of need. See if I care!" Darren said, although the hint of a smile was playing at his lips.

"Okay, now I know you're going to be just fine!" Daniel grinned as he turned and walked out of sickbay.

Dr Crusher returned at that point, with a PADD in hand.

"Well, the results of all your tests are good. You'll still be feeling the effects of the neuro-tranquilizers for awhile, but once they wear off you should be good as new. Just keep in mind that your reaction time will be hindered until they do wear off." she smiled, then added "I want to see you again tomorrow morning for a couple more tests, but other than that you're free to go. She went back into her office, and Darren's gaze returned to Colby.

"Well, you heard her - get your butt out of that bed and lets get you back to our quarters!" Colby offered him her hand, and he took it gratefully.

"Yes, sir" he replied, grinning and using his free hand to salute her.

Chapter 3(not up yet!)

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