Okay, I'm going to pull another crazy zine stunt. I had the idea, while communicating with some other zine folks, to start a zine network. It can be local (New England) or national, but what I want to be able to do is to have everybody involved help each other get distro in their respective areas. Now I know of some very zine-friendly spots here in RI and if you're free, then it's even better! But I might even be able to arrange for consignment for you. And even if you don't want to do the shipping thing to RI, I would like to do a big zine listing here on the page, with addresses and contacts, and maybe a blurb about each.

SO, if you're interested, just email me at skalissa@hotmail.com or use that panel thingy on the front page, and write a little message so's I can get in touch with you.
Keepin' it real in the 98...