Wanna advertise??

Got something to promote??

If you have a band, label, store, distro, escort service, zine, or anything else that you think needs some help, we're always happy to be of assistance. Unfortunately, we can't do it for free (ideally we would, but that's another story).

Okay, the old ad rates are VAMOOSE!!! No more!!! Since we're in newsprint for #6 with a print run of 1000 these are also going to be incredibly low. Look, it's fuckin' amazing, okay? But we do need the cash so that we can break even printing and make the zine free. So here we go....

Full Page (10" x 6.5"): $40
Half Page (5" x 6.5"): $25
Quarter Page (5" x 3.25"): $15
Eighth Page (2.5" x 3.25"): $8
Band Tour Listings in Zine and on Web Page: $2 each

*Exchanges available for zines*

email bassackwards@anti-social.com to reserve ad space/request the official schpeil

Also, while we've appreciated all the free stuff we've gotten in return for running ads, we're afraid that they're really not helping us in our quest for self-improvement. Therefore, we will no longer accept free stuff in exchange for ad placement. We still appreciate it though, and you would get it reviewed, which is kind of like a free ad.

...And speaking of reviews...

I've been getting the occasional promo cd from bands asking about getting reviewed for the page. Now for me (Alissa) personally, I love doing reviews. Absolutely revel in it. However, I really do not have the most fun putting this page together. I'd much rather work on making the zine itself (remember, we're a print zine which just has some selections reprinted on the web, NOT an ezine) worth picking up and keeping for future reference. Therefore, don't hold your breath waiting for a review of your band up on the page. Yes, it WILL get reviewed, that you don't need to worry about, and the zine WILL be read by lots of people (including industry types), so you WILL get exposure, but it won't be as much via the internet. However, I can almost guarantee that the exposure will be better through a free print zine than an obscure web site. So keep that shit coming, because the stuff I've been getting has been well worth my time. Mad props to all the bands who are busting their asses for all of our benefits!!