Well, aside from my Death-Loving, Morbid thinkings, war-monging attitude, my mind is open to the views and opinions of others.

I am in this world, and so are all of you. According to our different beliefs, we have different explanations as to how and why we are here. To be honest, every explanantion is valid enough. They may be different, but if that is what brings you peace, then it is valid, despite what the rest of the world says, to Hell with them. Only you, can comfort yourself.

I, the one and only Lord Omen...used to be like the rest...who followed a path of divinity...but now...I follow no more...instead...I lead my own path...nothing has come to me out of grace...what I have...I have gotten through nay means necessary...so...I thank no one but myself...and those who stand by my side...and provide an ego boost...

I am an egotistical bastard if you wish to call me so...
but...I do not care...I also consider myself a Stoic...int he last couple of years...I have trained myself to detach from all of the earthly things...that can crumble my Kingdom...

One thing I will teel you though...as I have said before...I am an equal opportunity hater...but I give everyone a fair chance..adn i do not care what religion you are...if you show respect for yourself and of course....ME...then I will gladly stand by you as an ally...

Some views on Religion...God...Bible...and any other leading Entity...besides Me...
Any religion you follow...is not certain about anything... For we do not really know anything, we go on faith and hope, not facts.

I beleive that the Bible in NOT the word of God, (I will be burned at the stake by other Christians after this...fuck it) but the stories of men who were Divinely Inspired by God. Since then, the stories have been tampered with, and taken out of context. After all, when rumors are spread, when they get back to you, the rumor is completely different than the one you heard first.


I have come to the realization that it is not a religion who faults, but its false followers. The fanatics, and every religion has them.

Once again, who are we to judge?

Let us look at this point:

You have a pair, who beleive that a tree is their God. They will pay to it. That tree has given them simple Commandments to follow:

Thou shalt water me every day.
Thou shalt make sure I have plenty of sunshine.
Thou shalt not let anyone carve on my trunk.
Thou shalt kill anyone or anything that does carve or disrespect me.
Thou shalt teach thy children the same.
Thou shat join me after death and be by my side for eternity if thou followeth my commadments

So this family, has been worshiping the tree, their children have done the same, they have killed plenty of lovers who have carved their names on its trunk. Many were from different religions (religions are irrelevant in my point, but just to show that my intentions are neutral).

So they have killed for their god, they have followed its commandments accordingly throughout their lives. Who are we to say that they are wrong, if their god has told them to kill if disrespected. Why should they be punished after death, for crimes they knew not had commited? Maybe they will be rewarded after death by their tree. We do not know, so we should not arrive to any assumptions.

The same goes for other religions, if you follow your religion the way you think is correct, then why should you be blamed by others just because your beliefs are different? The answer is: you should not. No one should for that matter, I think that the problem is our own arrogance, and I am not talking about the Christian arrogance (God knows we are!). Every one is arrogant in their own way, arrogance is a human trait, I would not call it a sin. Like other traits, they can get out of line, and that is when the problems begin.

Now I will say something on behalf of my Lord.

It is not Christ who has failed, but His people, His followers. Those who have let their arrogance take over. I have seen the arrogant Satanists, and Wiccans as well. To those arrongant A**holes, I say: "Burn in the flames of MY hatred" that statement goes out to all arrogants, of all religions! I am arrogant, I just showed it, I will try to use arrogance against arrogance, until it eats itself up like a snake swallowing its own tail.

I have taken these views, from one statement of my God: "Love thy Neighbor" and it coincides with a statement in the Satanic Bible. I forgot exactly how it goes, but it basically means that one should not waste love on someone who does not love you. So, I will love my neighbor, as long as he shows love for me.

Since God, the God I worship and love is one of eternal love for me, He will love me as I am, I am not hurting Him, so He will not hurt me. That is the God I worship, the God that found me when I was alone and at the perils of my life. The God who saved me from me. He tells me that there are plenty of people in the world, and that I must show them respect, no matter what, and they as people, will show respect for me. I think God is a magnificent being, just like I think I am a magnificent being as well, and according to my view of God. He wants me to believe and use my own strength, and not to rely on his. For he knows that without the evolution of His souls, His creations will falter. Not by "joining" the "other side" one can find good in every corner of this universe, lit or darkened. It is my true self, my true strength which my God wants me to use in order to BECOME.

With that, I close this page, thank you for reading this far. Now, I shall stop ranting and raving and let you go back to:

The Gates

Hail my Brothers and Sisters!!!